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About Medium

Medium is a leading online publishing platform developed by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams. It offers a platform where words matter and allows users to share ideas and stories. With millions of monthly readers, it serves as a network of thoughts, ideas, narratives, and experiences. However, like any other digital platform, Medium can also encounter outages or disruptions. Here, we offer you some insights on potential issues and how to tackle them should you face any disruptions on Medium.

Potential Medium Disruptions

Medium's disruptions can range from login issues, problems with publishing or loading stories, to complete outages. Users may also face issues with the mobile application or trouble accessing their stats and stories.

What To Do During a Medium Disruption

1. Check Your Internet Connectivity: Ensure you have a stable internet connection as poor connectivity often causes loading issues.
2. Clear Browser's Cache: Accumulated cache can cause webpages to load improperly. Clear your browser's cache and cookies.
3. Try a Different Browser or Medium App: If you're experiencing issues on a specific browser, try accessing Medium on a different one or through its mobile app.
4. Contact Medium Support: If the problem persists, reach out to Medium support through their help center or via their official Twitter handle.

Monitor Medium Disruptions

Keeping up with the status of Medium can help you take necessary actions swiftly. You can monitor Medium disruptions on our website where we provide real-time updates on outages and disruptions from major providers around the globe. Stay informed, stay prepared.


While disruptions can be frustrating, it's important to remember that they are often temporary and can be resolved with a little patience and the right approach. Our website aims to keep you informed about any potential disruptions and provide solutions to navigate through them. Happy reading on Medium!

Medium Outage Map

Outage History

Currently we have not collected any history for Medium

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